Drug Addiction Treatment

Drug Addiction Treatment Specialist

Drug Addiction Treatment Services Offered in Ashland

It’s estimated that up to 19 million Americans have a substance use disorder (SUD). If you use prescription medication or illicit drugs, and it affects your health, relationships, or quality of life, consider drug addiction treatment. At AIM Behavioral Health, board-certified psychiatrist and addiction medicine specialist Manish Parikh, MD, and the team provide drug addiction treatment to adults. To make an appointment, call the office in Ashland or book online today.

Drug Addiction Treatment Q&A

What is drug addiction treatment?

Drug addiction treatment uses a combination of prescription medication, counseling, and patient education to help you stop using one (or multiple) substances. If you rely on prescription medications, alcohol, or illicit drugs to improve your mood, outlook, or behavior, it’s essential to get help.

A qualified addiction medicine specialist can develop a custom treatment plan that reduces cravings, teaches you healthier coping mechanisms, and helps you maintain your sobriety.

Who should consider drug addiction treatment?

Consider enrolling in drug addiction treatment if you regularly use one or more of the following substances, and it negatively affects your health, relationships, or career:

  • Oxycodone
  • Heroin
  • Fentanyl
  • Methamphetamine
  • Alcohol
  • Cocaine
  • Marijuana
  • Ketamine
  • Ecstasy
  • LSD
  • Anabolic steroids
  • Inhalants
  • Opioids

You might also benefit from drug addiction treatment if you use anti-anxiety medications like alprazolam or diazepam.

What are some risk factors for drug addiction?

Several factors may increase your risk of drug addiction, including:

  • Having a family history of substance abuse
  • Having a behavioral condition, like depression or an anxiety disorder
  • Exposure to drugs or alcohol during childhood
  • Taking highly addictive substances, like stimulants

The environment you grew up in may also contribute. For example, children are more likely to use drugs and alcohol if there’s a lack of parental supervision.

How is a substance use disorder diagnosed?

To diagnose a substance use disorder, your AIM Behavioral Health provider conducts an assessment about your symptoms, including the type of substances you use, how often, and their effects on your life.

Additionally, your provider orders lab work, including blood tests and urinalysis.

What does drug addiction treatment involve?

At AIM Behavioral Health, the team tailors drug addiction treatment to each individual’s needs. Your provider might recommend:

  • Medication-assisted treatment
  • Counseling
  • Opioid abuse treatment
  • Outpatient program
  • Detoxification
  • Joining a self-help group like Narcotics Anonymous (NA)

Typically, drug addiction treatment involves a combination of measures. During treatment, you visit AIM Behavioral Health for regular checkups. Your provider monitors your progress over time and makes adjustments as necessary.

To see if you can benefit from drug addiction treatment, make an appointment at AIM Behavioral Health by calling the office or booking online today.

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